Depression Management in Cancer Patients: Page 2 of 2. October 01, 2006 Depression, Cultural Psychiatry, Major Depressive Disorder, Addiction, Dysthymia. Stiefel F.C., Huyse F.J., Sollner W., Slaets J.P., Lyons J.S., Latour C.H., et al. Unutzer J., Katon W.J., Fan M.Y., Schoenbaum M.C., Lin E.H. The article by Stiefel and colleagues in this issue discusses such a comprehensive method, the INTERMED method. x Unutzer, J., Katon, W., Callahan.
Stiefel, F.C., de Jonge, P., Huyse, F.J. et al, “INTERMED”: a method to assess health service needs: II. Unutzer, J., Katon, W., Williams. Huyse F, Stiefel F. Integrated care for the complex medically ill. Med Clin North Am. 2006.90(4):679–92. Unutzer J, Katon WJ, Fan MY, Schoenbaum MC. An introduction to the collaborative mental health care framework. Unutzer J, Katon W, Williams JW. Stiefel F. Medical Clinics of North America:.
Depression Management in Cancer Patients: Page 2 of 2 Psychiatric Times
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